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 About SIA_ 

Tactical & Surveillance Team 

[ a Team of ::

 > Licensed Private Investigators,

 > Intelligence Agents,

 > Security Consultants &

 > Paramilitary Operators ]


Not much needs to be said. Our tenure in the management of intelligence and paramilitary operatives, detectives, investigators speaks for itself. Our successes are independently verifiable. Simply contact us and we will provide all necessary comfort prior to engaging with us.


We apply Clandestine HUMINT, SIGINT/IMINT operations techniques and sources or "tradecraft" and Special Reconnaissance (SR) as a valuable part of our intelligence collection plan.


SIA is a strategic pro-active intelligence and investigative agency endowed with some of the best intelligence and paramilitary operator teams in the World, including those with past tenure in the CIA, DIA, NSA, USSS, OIA, SIS (MI6), SS (MI5) & Interpol. SIA is a covert group that also uses private military contractors (ex-BlackWater [Academi], ex-Seals, ex-MI6, ex-CIA SOG) to protect & recover high profile people for governments, recover other high value assets globally in high risk areas and does so with a carefully and succinctly executed mix of ground, air & sea transport options;


SIA has operatives and agents worldwide who report back to other intelligence agencies on events leading up to and potential suspects of terrorism. In the past 10 years, SIA operatives have provided training to and trained with several law enforcement, military agencies and private security firms including the DEA, FBI, US Marine Corps, Marine Force Recon, Navy SEALS and several foreign police departments.


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